Agora Object: P 21733
Inventory Number:   P 21733
Section Number:   ΣΑ 1521
Title:   Two-Handled Cup: Brittle Ware
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Several joining and non-joining fragments including one complete handle and lower attachment for other; lip missing. Restored in plaster. Cup with shallow, convex body and high vertical rim offset by a sharp shoulder; flat base. Shape as P 9150.
Reddish-buff micaceous clay with gray core. No glaze.
Context:   Well east of Stoa room 11, containers 9-13.
Notebook Page:   1556
Negatives:   Leica
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.069; Diam. (base) 0.05
Date:   May 1950
Section:   ΣΑ
Elevation:   -19--19m.
Masl:   -19m.
Deposit:   R 10:1
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora V, p. 30, under no. G 79.
    Agora XXXII, no. 1542, pl. 75.
References:   Publication: Agora V
Publication: Agora XXXII
Publication Page: Agora 5, s. 44, p. 30
Publication Page: Agora 5, s. 149, p. 135
Deposit: R 10:1
Notebook: ΛΛ-10
Notebook Page: ΛΛ-10-29 (pp. 1838-1839)
Card: P 21733