Agora Object: P 23034
Inventory Number:   P 23034
Section Number:   ΜΣ 551
Title:   Panathenaic Amphora Fragment
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Fragment from reverse showing part of a figure to right; two legs and rim of shield.
Unglazed inside; incision.
Context:   Stoa area south 8-9, (MSBF), beside tie-wall over strosis E.
Notebook Page:   497
Negatives:   Leica, 89-4-11
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.10
Date:   24 March 1953
Section:   ΜΣ
Deposit:   H-K 12-14
Period:   Greek
Bibliography:   Streicher (2022), p. 222, pl. 25.
    Agora XXIII, no. 315.
References:   Publication: Agora XXIII
Publication Page: Agora 23, s. 157, p. 141
Publication Page: Agora 23, s. 365, p. 349
Image: 2012.76.1473 (89-4-11)
Deposit: H-K 12-14
Card: P 23034