Agora Object: P 33495
Inventory Number:   P 33495
Section Number:   ΟΟ 2098
Title:   Bowl Fragment with Rouletting
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Single fragment of body and neck, broken all around. Shallow rounded bowl, concave vertical neck above an angle, trace of a projecting rim. Remains of attachment of a transverse (?) handle at body-angle. Two rouletted grooves on body just below handle, line of rouletting at lower break.
Red clay, smooth red gloss (maroon-pink tint).
Unclassified type: forerunner of 2nd century bowls? Cypriot Sigillata.
Notes:   Added 23 November 1999.
Context:   House C (SE corner of sector) Room 3, main mass of fill below floor.
Notebook Page:   1025
Dimensions:   P.H. 0.055; P.W. 0.051
Date:   5-9 July 1947
Section:   ΟΟ
Lot:   Lot ΟΟ 60
Period:   Roman
Bibliography:   Agora XXXII, no. 811, fig. 26.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXII
Image: 1999.02.0464
Lot: ΟΟ 60
Notebook: ΟΟ-6
Notebook: ΟΟ-26
Notebook Page: ΟΟ-26-8 (pp. 5006-5007)
Card: P 33495