Agora Object: P 6723
Inventory Number:   P 6723
Section Number:   ΠΘ 303
Title:   Amphora Fragments
Category:   Pottery
Description:   Part of one side remains, with one horizontal handle, fragments of the shoulder, and nearly the hole circumference of the neck, but none of the lip and none of the base. Many small scraps do not join. The shape appears to have been similar to P 6693. The neck is glazed solid. On the shoulder, groups of curving strokes hanging from a glazed band; below, a narrow, a broad and four narrow bands. On the handle, broadly spaced blobs; bands at the attachments. Further down, around the body, traces of one glazed band; the lower body unglazed so far as preserved. Clay buff to pinkish, with large bits; the fabric inclined to split and the surface very much flaked.
Context:   Burial jar originally assigned as part of Grave 7 (C 9:14). Isolated find by E.L. Smithson. Reassigned as C 9:19.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   PD 1377, PD 2774-28
Dimensions:   Diam. (neck) 0.095
Date:   6 February 1936
Section:   ΠΘ
Deposit:   C 9:19
Period:   Protogeometric
Bibliography:   Desborough (1952), p. 104.
    Agora XXXVI, no. T39-1, pp. 299, 301, fig. 2.203.
References:   Publication: Agora XXXVI
Drawing: PD 1377 (DA 5012)
Drawing: DA 5038
Drawing: DA 9963
Image: 2007.01.1631
Deposit: C 9:19
Card: P 6723
Card: P 6723