Agora Object: P 7983
Inventory Number:   P 7983
Section Number:   ΚΚ 798
Title:   Plate Fragment with Relief Decoration
Category:   Pottery
Description:   From the rim of a large plate. Design of guilloche, with rosettes and dots in relief.
Light pinkish-buff clay; dull purple glaze wash, on rim only, inside and out.
Cf. Agora VII, p. 61, noted.
Context:   Dump, modern context.
Negatives:   Leica
PD Number:   DA 10403
Dimensions:   Max. Dim. 0.058
Date:   3 June 1936
Section:   ΚΚ
Period:   Roman
References:   Publication Page: Agora 7, s. 77, p. 61
Notebook: ΚΚ-6
Notebook Page: ΚΚ-6-92 (pp. 1173-1174)
Card: P 7983